Category: Blog

How To Keep Your Teenager From Sneaking Out?

So, when you’re a new mum, you hear about the sleepless nights; the worry; the fear about your little one getting hurt; the desperation to keep them happy and fulfilled at all times – and the fear for their physical safety that is greater than any fear about anything you …

How To Challenge Discrimination In Schools?

The UK schools are a great big melting pot of children from different cultures, areas, religions and lifestyles. Some might think that this is the ideal way to introduce mixing with other kids and the best way to experience different lives – but actually it can be one of the …

How To Get Free Stickers From Skateboard Companies?

Getting anything for free is always a tricky thing, let’s be honest! Big skateboarding companies are no different from other companies, really, in that they don’t really like to give anything away unless they see themselves getting something in return. Assuming that you are not a pro skater who receives …

How Long Does It Take To Learn To Skateboard?

Skateboarding is a skill that some professionals make look absolutely effortless. It’s as if they were born to glide around the bowl and through the air; and as if it took no more effort than getting up from a chair and walking around. In reality, skateboarding is a very skilful …

How To Become A Lego Master Builder?

Most of us have fond memories of playing with Lego as children; it’s a great toy that has withstood the passage of time and continues to be well loved by the newer generations as well as the old. If you are lucky enough these days to be able to play …

Why Is Lego So Expensive?

If you have children, chances are you have Lego. Even if you don’t have youngsters, chances are you will have played with Lego in your lifetime! It is a great toy; wonderful for inspiring imagination, encouraging manual dexterity, and helping children to learn how to create. However, the price can …