What Is The Best Age Gap For Siblings?

Everyone around you has probably already told you when they think you should get your next baby. Some will advocate you do it quickly to keep the age gap small while others will advise you to wait a while. They have good intentions but ultimately, the best choice about how …

Camping With Kids: Packing List

The hardest part of camping with kids is getting them to calm down long enough to help you with packing. Making sure you are well prepared and have everything you need is especially challenging if this is the first time you are going camping with them. Here’s where a packing …

How To Stop An Autistic Child From Hitting

Autistic children already have enough problems interacting with other people without adding aggression to the mix. Unfortunately, that’s a common problem for kids with autism spectrum disorders. They might lash out at the parent, their siblings, the teacher or other kids at school. This worsens their social problems, preventing them …

What Are The Best Camping Games For Kids?

When you are going camping with kids, don’t just pack the essentials. Include a few games and toys for your kids as well. It’s easy for kids to get bored, no matter how beautiful the outdoors. And bored kids will drive you crazy. Having camping-friendly games ensures you can all …

How To Help Autistic Child Speak

One of the biggest worries of parents with non-verbal autistic children is that they’ll never talk. They become even more worried when the child hits 4 or 5 years and has yet to start talking. . The reality is that most non-verbal autistic children do eventually talk, though not all …