Everything is a science. Well, almost everything.
Many areas of knowledge from art to our bodies to the universe can be explained and understood using science.
So it’s super important for your kids to grow up with a strong love for science. Because whether they go into arts, business or core-science fields, they’ll most likely need it.
It’s easier than you think to raise a science-minded child.
You see, science is not about learning tough subjects or cramming long formulas and jargon. It’s more about understanding how the world works through creative and deductive thinking.
Do you want your kids to be science-smart? Then teach them how to see the world differently, how to be curious and seek knowledge and how to notice even the smallest seemingly purposeless things around them.
Here are some tips for all parents on how to raise a science minded child.
1. Nurture their curiosity
Babies are naturally very curious. Every little thing from the sound of your voice to the colour of the walls fascinates them.
For most kids however, this curiosity fades as they grow. Not because they have discovered everything in the universe but because parents do not nurture that curiosity.
There are many ways to keep your kids curious. Here are a few great ideas on how to raise a science minded child:
- Constantly ask them questions even if they can’t possibly have the answers. Why is the sky blue? Why does the light turn off when I press the switch? Where do you think food goes when you eat it? Such questions encourage them to think. If they don’t know, tell them the answer in a very simple way.
- Find learning opportunities in everything. Take frequent walks outside and talk about the sky, trees, sun and butterflies. Around the house, teach them simplified concepts of how a TV works, what’s holding up the house and so on. If they get hurt playing, it’s a good time to talk about blood and how the body heals. You can learn from literally anything.
- Do not discourage their questions or attempts to explore something. If something is dangerous, keep it out of reach and explain to them why it’s dangerous. And if they make a mess now and then, don’t make them feel like it is the end of the world. Just teach them to be more careful.
2. Do home experiments
There are tons of simple, fun and safe science experiments you can do at home. Check online educational materials for age-appropriate ideas.
With most of these kids’ experiments you don’t even need to buy anything. You can use easily-available materials from around the house.
3. Buy educational toys
Kids learn best through play so make sure you get them a variety of science toys.
You can get astronomy toys such as mini-telescopes, dinosaur toys and other animal figurines, Lego puzzles or a toy lab kit among many other options.
Start with simple toys that are focused more on play and fun. As they grow older get more advanced educational toys that push them to think deeper and more creatively.
4. Read books and watch science movies
If you want your child to be science-minded, they have to love reading and searching for knowledge.
So from early on, nurture a love of books in them. Even before they can read, read to them. Buy science picture books and explore them together.
As they grow older get them books they can read on their own. And not just educational books, sci-fi books are great too.
And talking about sci-fi, don’t underestimate how much kids be motivated to love science by watching movies. Find age-appropriate sci-fi movies you can watch together. It will build in them a sense of wonder and curiosity.
5. Develop their communication skills
A crucial aspect of being good at science, and one that many parents and even teachers ignore, is communication.
When they are young kids think by talking. When they ask and answer questions and express their thoughts out loud they are developing their critical thinking skills.
Teach them to express their ideas clearly especially as they grow older. Encourage them to explain their thinking to you and be patient as they try to put their ideas into words.
Proper communication skills will prove invaluable regardless of the field they get into in the future.