Author: Nicky Ellis

How To Make Slime With Two Ingredients?

If you haven’t already heard of the phenomenon that is slime, you are in for a treat. Beloved plaything of children everywhere – and the bane of their parents because it inevitably gets lost, covered with dog hair and other sticky unmentionables, or worn out from being played with so …

Why Do Babies Like White Noise?

There are very few things you will work harder at in the first few weeks and months (and even years!) of your babies’ life, is how to make them sleep. Probably the most asked question of a new mum is “Are they a good baby? Do they sleep?” – the …

How To Choose The Best Slime Making Kit?

Let’s face it, kids are a bit disgusting. The love getting filthy and rolling around in the mud; they love getting their hands covered in all sorts of things (then usually wiping said hands on their clothes or hair!) and they are fascinated by the gloopy, squishy things of this …

How To Choose The Best Squishies Ever?

Everybody likes a soft toy, right? I bet you don’t have to think too hard about where your favourite childhood teddy has ended up! If your children are too old for teddies, or bored of all their other soft toys, why not have a look into the best squishies ever? …

How To Make A Tree Swing With A Tire?

A tire swing is a good – and cheaper – alternative to a store-bought tree swing. A tire makes for a perfectly good seat. And unlike wooden seats, you can be sure it won’t warp or rot. All you need is an old tire, a strong rope and sturdy tree …

How To Choose The Best Tree Swing?

If you are looking for a safe and fun activity that’ll encourage your kids to spend more time outside, consider getting a tree swing. It’s not too expensive and will provide hours of fun for your kids. A good quality tree swing for kids should be safe, durable and fun …

8 Autumn Garden Games For Kids

Though not as summery as, well, summer, autumn is still a great time to spend time outside with kids. The weather is cool and there’s no punishing sunshine to burn your skin. It’s the perfect time to relax in the garden while the kids play. There’s a wide variety of …