Author: Nicky Ellis

How To Become A Lego Master Builder?

Most of us have fond memories of playing with Lego as children; it’s a great toy that has withstood the passage of time and continues to be well loved by the newer generations as well as the old. If you are lucky enough these days to be able to play …

Why Is Lego So Expensive?

If you have children, chances are you have Lego. Even if you don’t have youngsters, chances are you will have played with Lego in your lifetime! It is a great toy; wonderful for inspiring imagination, encouraging manual dexterity, and helping children to learn how to create. However, the price can …

Which Are The Best Lego Star Wars Sets?

Lego is an immensely popular plaything, and one that has been around for many years, delighting generation after generation of children. The previous incarnations of Lego have been collections of different sized bricks which people could use to build their own creations, while these days the sets that can build …

05 Books For 6 year Olds To Read Independently

Reading is the BEST. It has been proven to improve so many aspects of your child’s life – and if you yourself are a reader then you will totally know and understand why! Reading is escapism; learning; discovery; relaxation – and so much more. It feeds young growing minds with …

How To Choose The Best Boomerang?

The boomerang started life as a throwing tool, which was used in hunting and occasionally in battle, most notably by Aboriginal Australians, and by some Native American tribes. The first recorded experience with a boomerang by Western people was in 1804 in New South Wales, where spectators were amazed to …

Which Are The Best Best 3DS Games For Kids?

Whatever your personal views on screen time for your kids, there’s no denying the popularity of the Nintendo 3DS with the younger generation. They’re also good for parent’s banks accounts too, as they are mostly cheaper than many other consoles on the market! There is a huge range of games …

Which Are The Best Meccano Sets On The UK Market?

Meccano is one of those 80s toys that is really making a comeback these days. It’s a great invention; a set of differently shaped pieces that fit together with nuts and bolts, and turn into just about anything you want them to! Cars, aeroplanes, motorbikes, ships, dinosaurs – the imagination …